20 October 2009

EXE behaves different

"My program runs fine in the IDE, but it freezes when the compiled EXE is started." What is happening?
In the past ten years this message pops-up once and a while. At the same time this message is never repeated. The developer reviews his or her program and recognizes a programming bug. Then after the bug is solved, the program runs without any problem. Until now I never (!) encountered a compiler bug that resulted in an erroneous EXE.
Then, how is it possible that the EXE behaves different than the IDE-program? Some things to consider.
  1. The most logical error is a programming error (90% chance).
    I noticed a problem in user-defined types, for instance a member array isn't properly dimensioned, or a Boolean member is used (see the Help File for notes on using Booleans in a Type). Check your Types, but even better review the initialization code of your program.
  2. In Mysterious Errors I described a theory about errors that cannot be reproduced. But again, the programmer is to blame.
  3. The compiler inserts Trace-code between each code line in the IDE. You can disable this with $StepOff and get the same compiler result as an EXE.
  4. An EXE might behave different because the Compiler setting  Full Branch Optimization for EXE is enabled. This is the only option that produces a different result. (1% chance).
  5. Make sure you are aware of the ByRef Bug for Sub procedures. Insert ByVal and ByRef in the procedure headings. Better: use Sub only for event subs.
All in all, look for the problem in your code, not in the compiler. If an EXE works with one OS, but doesn't with another, than we have a possible bug!

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